A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician at Advanced Heating

Rise and Shine: The Morning Routine

As an HVAC technician at Advanced Heating, my day starts early. I’m up at 6 AM, grabbing a quick breakfast before heading to our office in Morgantown, WV. Our team meets briefly to discuss the day’s schedule and assignments. Today, I’m slated for two AC installations and an emergency repair call.

First Stop: AC Installation in Kingwood

By 8 AM, I’m on the road to Kingwood for our first installation. The customer, a priority club member, is excited about their new energy-efficient unit. I love explaining the benefits of modern AC systems to our clients. As always, I remind them of our “Any Day, Any Time, One Price” policy – no extra charges for nights and weekends for our valued club members.

Lunchtime: Quick Break in Fairmont

After wrapping up in Kingwood, I head to Fairmont for a quick lunch. It’s a scorcher today, which means we’ll likely get more emergency calls. I use this time to check in with the office and confirm my afternoon schedule.

Afternoon: AC Repair in Cheat Lake

Post-lunch, I’m off to Cheat Lake for an emergency repair. The homeowner’s AC unit stopped working during the heatwave. I diagnose the issue quickly – a faulty capacitor – and have their system up and running in no time. The relief on their faces reminds me why I love this job.

Evening: Final Installation in Westover

My last stop of the day is an AC installation in Westover. As the sun sets, I’m grateful for our no extra charges policy, knowing our customers appreciate the consistency in pricing regardless of the time.

Wrapping Up: Back to Star City

As I drive back to our Star City office, I reflect on the day. From Morgantown to Kingwood, Fairmont to Cheat Lake, and Westover to Star City, we’ve helped keep our community cool and comfortable. It’s been a long day, but a satisfying one.

At Advanced Heating, we’re more than just HVAC technicians. We’re problem solvers, educators, and community members dedicated to keeping our neighbors comfortable all year round. Whether it’s AC repair, installation, or routine service, we’re here to help – any day, any time, at one fair price.